Join us on Saturday evening at 6:30 pm in the Cypress Room for an amazing lecture by Cat Bordhi. Tickets are available at Eventbrite until Thursday at 5pm. After that you can purchase tickets at the door for $11.

Bordhi has been traveling to Perú since 2013 on a series of journeys that she calls intimate and transformational. During these travels, Bordhi has spent time with Peruvian knitters whose textile traditions extend back in time for thousands of years. She says, “Peruvian culture is a kaleidoscope of sensuous colors, smells, music, food, flowers, animals, and the constant communion of human warmth.” Her talk aims to reveal something of the remarkable spatial intelligence that she’s discovered in Peruvian knitters of all ages, through the stories of the individuals she has knit with on her travels. But be warned, Bordhi adds that, “attending this talk may make you long to go to Perú.”
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