
Houston Fiber Fest is two months away! Are you getting excited? We are. You have two months to make twiddlemuffs! Each twiddlemuff gets you an entry into the raffle for a fabulous prize. What prize you say? A yarny-good stuff prize! If you can’t make a twiddlemuff, you can also buy raffle tickets. The twiddlemuffs will go to Amazing Place, an adult daycare for people with Alzheimers/dementia. The money raised will go to the Alzheimer’s Association. Win-win!!!

Another way to help is join Team Houston Fiber Fest in the Longest Day Challenge. We will be crafting on June 21st at the Fiber Lounge to show support for those taking care of people with Alzheimer’s. Ask your friends/family/co-workers/your rich uncle Louie/your crazy aunt Marge/strangers on the street (I jest…no really, any help is great) to help by donating to Team Houston Fiber Fest 2019. Here is the link.

See y’all on the Longest Day/June 21st at Houston Fiber Fest!

Check out this Twiddlemuff pattern or visit our CHARITY page for more suggestions.